2-3- Branding

If one day you are left without a personal car, how will you go here and there? Probably Snap and Tapsi, isn’t it? If you go to the supermarket to buy milk or yogurt, do you buy whatever you want? Or do you only supply the products of a particular company? How about mobile? Is there a difference between Apple, Samsung, Nokia, Xiaomi, etc.? Do you buy anyway?

The reason for the answer you gave to the above questions is only one thing: BRAND and the Power of Branding!

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You are probably familiar with the definition of brand. If we say right now, say the names of 20 famous brands in the world in less than 30 seconds, you will do it easily. But why are brands like Coca-Cola, Nike, Microsoft, Tesla, etc. so well-known and popular?

Coca-Cola is more than a soft drink. Apple and Samsung are not just phones. There is something else behind them that have become so popular. One thing is behind everything Coca-Cola does; from what they say on social networks to the color of the logo, product packaging, TV commercials, etc.

Famous brands use customer experience to sell. Imagine the last time you had a coke. Can you imagine the taste of a metal (or plastic) soda can? How likely are you to mistake another shade of red for Coca-Cola red? Probably below 5%

Whenever you prefer Coca-Cola to Pepsi or Zamzam, you are actually referring to your previous shopping experience. Marketing companies have used exactly the same techniques for branding. They know very well what customers should experience when buying (or thinking about buying) and they implement the same in their brand. What is the result? People know these brands, love them and no matter how many other options they have to buy, they will definitely choose the products of the same brand. What business does not want such a thing?

What is a Brand?

The characteristics or characteristics that distinguish a company from others are called a trademark or brand. Company name, advertising slogan or tagline, logo, symbol and brand voice are all considered as a subset of this term. Any customer experience and connection with the business (for example, as a buyer, social media follower, and even passerby) is also considered a subset of the brand.

What does branding mean?

The process of researching, developing and creating special features for a business organization, with the aim of connecting customers with products and services, is called branding. Branding is a lifelong process and depends on the customer’s heart connection with the business.

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The Importance of Branding

Do you want to know why branding is important? There are many reasons. Your brand is one of your most important assets. A brand gives your business an identity, makes it stick in people’s minds, encourages consumers to buy again, supports marketing and advertising, and makes your employees feel proud. Branding is one of the decision-making factors of consumers. According to an international survey conducted in 2015, about 60% of buyers buy from brands they know and 21% of them buy a product just because they like the product brand. Branding gives your business an identity; and this identity encompasses a wider range of products and services that you offer. Branding gives the customer something to relate to. Branding makes you stay in everyone’s mind; It acts as the face of your company and makes consumers find you everywhere (especially on crowded store shelves, among a bunch of similar and colorful items). Branding supports marketing and advertising; It helps you make effective sales ads, get recognized and influence people’s lives.

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Branding Terms and Processes

These are the concepts that we fully explain to you:

Branding Strategies

How should you create a successful brand and market it?

Brand Personality

How to create a unique brand personality?

Brand Identity

Brand identity is the characteristics and promises you give to your customers. Brand identity is what you want to remain in the minds of customers. This concept expresses your values, the way you present your product and service, and the customer’s feelings after interacting with the product. Strong branding helps your business be more than just a name.

Brand Awareness

Brand awareness shows the familiarity of common people and the target market with your brand. High brand awareness makes your brand known by the words “trending”, “growing” and “popular”. What is the importance of brand awareness? If customers don’t know enough about your brand, they won’t buy from you. Strong branding helps you get recognized.

Brand Extension or Brand Extension

Introducing a new product in a different area or a new target market (with the purpose of brand extension) is explained by the term brand extension. Like when Honda started producing lawn mowers. Brand extension allows companies (or individuals) to leverage brand awareness to create new revenue streams or diversify product lines. Strong branding equals more money.

Brand Management

The process of creating and maintaining a business brand is called brand management. The management of tangible and material elements (such as style guide, product packaging and color) and intangible elements (viewpoint of the target audience or customer base regarding the product) is a subset of brand management. Don’t forget that your brand is alive and breathing, so you need to take care of it. Strong branding requires constant maintenance.

Brand Recognition

Brand recognition means how much consumers (or target audience) can identify it without seeing the brand name (through logo, advertising slogan, packaging, commercials and other advertising methods). Strong branding makes you always stay in the audience’s mind.

Brand Trust

It means how much customers and consumers trust your brand. Do you keep your advertising promises? Are the salespeople and customer service representatives of your company doing everything they can for the customer? Such actions build trust. And don’t forget, this is very important in a world where about 25% of people only trust big business. Strong branding wins customer trust.

  Brand Loyalty

Brand loyalty means that customers will not buy products of competing brands under any circumstances.

Brand Touch-Point

Brand touch points are points of contact that the customer will have with your brand.

Brand Design

Now that we are familiar with the main elements of branding, we put everything together to design a proper and attractive brand.

Brand Equity

It means the amount of value that the audience places on your brand.


If after all your efforts you did not get the desired result, or if you need a radical change, you can use rebranding.

Branding, personality, values, nature-marketing, marketing strategy, promotion, price, location, packaging, product services

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Types of Branding

Different types of branding are used around the world. But while they all have their importance, not all types of branding can be used simultaneously; because each type has its own set of goals and guidelines.

In fact, you should choose a suitable branding strategy depending on your needs and goals.

Let’s explore 8 of the most popular types of branding together.

1- Personal Branding

As the name suggests, this type of branding is specifically associated with a person. For example, if you are a writer or designer, you can choose personal branding for your website and portfolio.

2- Service branding

This type of branding focuses entirely on the services that an individual or a company provides. So if you decide to pursue this branding, remember, the only thing that matters is the service you provide to your customers and it should be excellent.

3- Product Branding

This strategy is one of the most common types of branding based on your product. In the product branding strategy, you should introduce and brand your product and show that you solve your customer’s problem creatively and uniquely.

4- Cultural Branding (also known as geographic branding)

Geographical or cultural branding is not much different from each other. This is because both types consider the geographic or cultural conventions of the target audience for the brand. It attracts people’s attention due to geographical or cultural connection. Cultural branding focuses on the cultural aspects of an area to attract tourists and increase the revenue generated.

5- Retail Branding

Retail branding is related to the activity of stores and retailers that sell various products under the name of a particular well-known branded product. Of course, some retailers only sell their own brand products. A clear example of this method is Apple, which has many branches around the world and only sells its own products.

6- Online Branding

Online branding includes all kinds of brands related to the online space. This strategy includes all online advertising, posts, website design, the websites themselves, landing pages, even the message responses that customers receive. For example, how to answer customers’ questions online is included in the online branding subcategory.

7- Offline Branding

Online branding and offline branding have similarities, but they are completely different. Offline branding happens offline, which includes all offline channels such as banner printing or face-to-face meetings. However, like online branding, offline branding can encompass many different types of brands.

8- Company Branding

And finally, the last type of branding is corporate branding that focuses on the appearance and success of a business. Suppose a company has established itself as a luxury brand in the minds of its audience. In this case, all the products he sells will be expensive and luxurious and will attract a certain type of audience. On the other hand, if a brand has positioned itself as an affordable brand, its customer base will be completely different.

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Small Business Branding Tips

Treat your brand like a human being.

The best way to understand the branding process is to see your brand as a human being. Brand must have identity, personality and experience. Ask yourself these questions:

  – How does your brand present itself? If the brand wanted to describe its appearance, what would it say?

  – What does your brand say about products and services? Are the products important and professional?

  – What do people say after the first meeting with the brand? Write a few sentences that you would like them to use.

The purpose of branding is to communicate with the customer. The easiest way to do this is to see your brand as a human being and ask your customers to do the same.

Prioritize Coordination

The first mistake companies make in branding is inconsistency. Inconsistency damages the branding and confuses the customer. Famous and valuable brands put coordination at the top of things and see the benefits. When your brand has a consistent presence across all media and platforms, customers will easily recognize it, relate to it, and over time prefer your brand over other competitors. You can use branding guidelines for this.

Define branding Strategy and Follow the Same

Branding strategy is more than branding guidelines. A branding strategy is a clear and long-term plan of brand goals that you want to achieve. These goals are usually defined around employee desires, motivations, flexibility, competition, awareness, and involvement. Do you remember that we said that branding is a dynamic and permanent process? There are many points behind this word. Branding strategy makes the branding process done in the best way and your brand moves towards success and popularity.

Do Not Let Imitation Take the Place of Motivation and Inspiration

Competitor analysis is important; by analyzing your competitors, you can find the reason for their superiority and use the results of the reviews to improve and differentiate your brand. But be careful not to fall into the trap of imitation. Limit competitor reviews. Your focus should be more on your own business and its benefits. Just because one (or two) competitors have used a certain branding method, doesn’t mean you have to use the same method to succeed. People remember brands that are new, special and different.

Use Branding for Recruitment

Strong branding will make your employees proud. Leverage branding to attract talented and hard-working employees. If you have a business that is based on workforce and hiring workforce is one of the main elements of your success, allocate part of your budget and resources to employer branding. The way the company markets itself to job seekers and your current employees is called employer branding. If you show that you are proud of your institution, others will be too.

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How to make a brand for you?

In the “World of Business” department, NewWorld International Holding, we create a brand for you in 6 steps. Using this method, we can create a new brand or rebrand the one you currently have.

  • We Specify the Target Audience

Branding is done with the purpose of awareness, recognition, trust and earning money. Let’s take a step back and examine the source of these: the consumer. And not just any consumer, we mean your target customers. If your brand doesn’t sit in the heart of the audience, you won’t get awareness, recognition, trust and income.

Who is your product for? Who are your ideal customers? Why did you create your business in the first place?

Everything you learn about your target market and buyer persona influences your branding decisions, so we make it our first priority.

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2- We Clearly Define Our Goal and Mission

Why did you start this business? The answer to this question will help you define the purpose, mission and motivation of your business. Before we can build a brand that our audience knows, wants, and trusts, we need to communicate the list of things we can provide to our customers. Every part of the brand (logo, slogan, images, voice and personality) should reflect this purpose and vision. The mission and purpose of the brand is the building block of the brand manifesto and shows why your organization exists and why people should pay attention to your brand.

3- We Specify the Values, Features and Benefits

There are probably many businesses like yours out there. It’s easy to focus on the competition, but now is not the time. Now is the time to focus on yourself; what do you have that others don’t have and can’t (legally) imitate? Your brand

That’s why you need to make sure you’ve inspired and modeled your brand on elements that are all yours: the values, the benefits, the characteristics that make your business special. Take the time to write a list of things that set you apart from others. We are not talking about product features (e.g. appearance, components, and capabilities); Write how your product or service improves people’s lives and makes them successful, and we will help you identify these features.

4- We Make Your Own Visual Assets

By now, we should have found the target audience, the statement of goals and ideals, and the specific characteristics of your business. It’s time to move on to the more exciting parts of branding: visual design. We mean logo, color spectrum, typography (fonts), iconography and other visual components. To make these elements, we create a special instruction.

Note: graphic and specialized designs, while attractive, can be difficult. We can help you as an expert in logo and brand identity design, or review some useful design examples together before you get started.

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5- Find the Brand Voice

Now it’s time to focus on the audio part of your brand. If someone has a conversation with you, or sends a message, how will you be heard? How you communicate with your target market is also considered a part of branding. You need to choose a voice that your audience can relate to; otherwise, they will not pay attention to you. All the content we write should have the same tone, from advertising campaigns and cyberspace captions to blog posts and brand stories. In this way, the audience gets a chance to get to know the brand and recognize your voice. Have a cheerful and attractive voice so that customers count down the minutes to receive your new texts.

  6- Turn on the Branding Engine

Your brand only works when you do. Once the branding is done, incorporate it into all aspects of your business. Make sure the customer sees it wherever they look. Here are some useful tips to introduce the brand in your business:


Apply the brand’s logo, color scheme and typography to the website. Only use things that fit into your branding guidelines. A website is one of the most important parts of a brand’s identity, and if it doesn’t reflect the brand, you’ve created an unpleasant customer experience. Pay attention to the links, call to action and product description so that they match the brand voice.

Social Networks

Your profile picture, background photos, and images you share should also reflect the brand. You can also put your logo and profile picture on the photos so that customers can recognize you more easily. As we said in the website section, make sure everything is consistent with the brand voice.

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If you offer physical products, your products are the most tangible element of the customer’s relationship with the brand. This is why product packaging (design, color, size and feel) should reflect the new branding.



Since advertisements (whether printed or digital) are made in order to expand the audience’s knowledge and awareness of the brand, the most important thing is that the advertisements reflect the branding. In fact, branding should be in a way that makes the process of creating and producing advertisements easier. With branding guidelines, you know how your ads should be and what they should include.


Sales and Customer Service

The strength of the brand is the people who work behind the scenes. And if your employees don’t turn on the branding engine, you won’t get anything done. In addition, brand is more than just marketing. Provide branding guidelines to sales and customer service employees and train them on how to use it (especially when they are in direct contact with customers). Encourage your employees to use the brand’s logo, tagline, image, and voice while presenting branded product samples or answering customer service questions.

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Branding means name, logo, color range, brand voice and visual effects. And even more! Branding is the feeling that customers have while communicating with your brand; the same experience we talked about. Branding is what sets strong businesses apart from the rest. A beautiful logo, a clever slogan, a specific manifesto and a clear brand voice are all tangible elements of branding. But the truth is that brands thrive when they focus on the big picture. If you penetrate the heart and mind of your target audience and your business, success will come to you on its own. At NewWorld International Holding, the “World of Business” department helps you achieve scientific branding, and with the vast experience we have in various branding, we facilitate this important thing for you and shorten the time to achieve the goal.



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