Advertising fabric flag

Fabric flag

Advertising flag is produced and printed as desktop flag, standing flat, ceremonial flag, fluttering flag, in customized sizes. The New World Institute prints flag in silk and digital. The New World Institute provides embroidery and inserting logo on the advertising flag.
I) These flags are of fluke (embossed velvet), satin, and suede.
II) Types of flag printing are as follows

  a) Silk

143 3 b83

b) Digital (with image printing)   

143 2 855

c) Embroidery

143 1 c2f


III) Types of advertising fabric flags include: desktop flag, car flag, ceremonial flag, fluttering flag, exhibition flag, and religious flag

A) Desktop flag

Advertising desktop flags are one of the most important organizational elements and factors in the beauty of office decoration. Desktop flag is made of satin and two-sided velvet. This type of flag is printed in digital and thermal (sublimation). The velvet flag can be decorated by embroidery.


143 8 cfe   143 6 70d  143 5 377

  143 4 0a1   143 7 4db   

B) Car flag

The car flag is ceremony flag or nation flag, usually manufactured for ministries, and is made of satin and velvet. It is designed and printed or embroidered, and mounted on a special base on car body.

                                                         143 9 f28

C) Ceremonial flag

This flag is usually placed in the managers’, employees’, or customer’s waiting rooms. The large size of this flag attracts more customer attention. The ceremonial flag is made of American satin and velvet. Logo is inserted as either digital, thermal, or embroidery. The base of ceremonial flag is produced in both lion paw and solar paw.
In addition to organization ceremonial flag, the Designing, Printing, and Advertising Institute of the New World produces the Iranian and other nations’ ceremonial flag.


     143 10 6a8     143 12 104         143 13 2d2                         143 14 5af

For more information about the cost of desktop flag, car flag, and ceremonial flag, contact the Designing, Printing, and Advertising Institute of the New World. 


D) Fluttering flag

Fluttering flags are commonly used in conferences and ceremonies. These flags are made of satin and jersey and produced in large sizes as vertical or horizontal. Fluttering flags are printed in silk and digital.


    144 2 40f  144 1 075   

flags1 704

Available sizes

E) Exhibition flag

Advertising exhibition flag is produced in different designs. This flag is made of satin and suede. Advertising exhibition flag is printed in silk and digital.


              144 4 cfb   144 3 7d9     144 14 95c


F) Religious flag

Religious flag is produced as longitudinal, fluttering, desktop, and series (threaded tassel). Religious flags are made of velvet and satin and are printed in silk and digital.
A) Longitudinal religious flag: Longitudinal religious flags are usually installed in mosques, organizations, and offices during religious ceremonies or mourners.

                                                                   144 5 f2d

B) Fluttering religious flag: Fluttering religious flag is installed in mourning ceremonies, religious ceremonies, and outdoor religious celebrations. This religious flag is usually made of jersey and satin.


              144 7 881    144 6 b57            144 11 5d2

C) Desktop religious flag: Desktop religious flags are used at offices or organizations during religious ceremonies. Desktop religious flags are made of satin and velvet. The logo can be printed in silk, digital, and embroidery.


                                                               144 8 0a4   144 9 372

D) Religious series (threaded tassel) flags: Religious series flags are used during religious ceremonies, in passages, streets, offices, and organizations. Religious series flags are made of satin and suede


                                                           144 10 604

For more information about the cost of fluttering flag, exhibition flag, and religious flag, contact the Designing, Printing, and Advertising Institute of the New World.  


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