Advertising hand fan

24.45 Advertising hand fan

Advertising hand fan include plastic hand fan, board hand fan, wooden hand fan, paper hand fan, accordion hand fan, and battery-powered hand fan.

I) Plastic hand fan

 بادبزن پلاستیکی   بادبزن پلاستیکی تبلیغاتی     441 3 653

In plastic hand fan, the design is printed on the label and then, is glued on the hand fan.

II) Board hand fan

                       بادبزن مقوایی         441 5 ea7

Board hand fan is printed on a board with the weight of 300 gr and above, and is formed in customized shape by the razor mold.

III) Accordion wooden hand fan

بادبزن چوبی آکاردئونی    بادبزن چوبی آکاردئونی تبلیغاتی      441 8 12e

IV) Accordion paper hand fan

               بادبزن کاغذی آکاردئونی              441 10 ce8

V) Battery-powered hand fan

                                              بادبزن باطری دار 

For more information about the cost of advertising plastic hand fan, board hand fan, wooden hand fan, paper hand fan, and battery-powered hand fan, contact the Designing, Printing, and Advertising Institute of the New World.


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