Advertising puzzle


24.24 Advertising puzzle

Advertising puzzle is made of board, foam, wood, etc., and is designed and implemented in 2D and 3D. Advertising puzzles are produced in different sizes and pieces.

I) 2D puzzle

A) Frame-free puzzle
a) Wooden advertising puzzle

373 1 cf8


 b) Flat board advertising puzzle

373 2 491 373 3 824
Jorchin 100-piece promotional puzzle 50-piece advertising board puzzle


c) Foam advertising puzzle (printed coating, laminated foam outsole)

373 4 9f4
24-piece advertising puzzle, 5 mm thickness

d) Embossed advertising puzzle

373 5 541 373 6 d28
12-piece embossed board puzzle 20-piece advertising board puzzle


B) Framed advertising puzzle

373 7 19d

II) 3D puzzle

3D advertising puzzle is made of wood and board. 3D puzzle is first designed by professional designers and then, the design is corrected by reverse engineering. When the design is approved, the production is started.


373 8 e88 373 9 23d 373 10 b66 373 11 7d3
3D building puzzle 3D tower puzzle 3D complex puzzle 3D sports complex puzzle
373 12 fba 373 13 30f 373 14 2df 373 15 e6a
3D elephant puzzle 3D fish puzzle 3D pyramid puzzle 3D character puzzle



373 1 1 ac3 373 1 2 eb9
3D car puzzle 3D tank puzzle
373 1 3 d6f 373 1 4 64d
3D truck puzzle 3D ship puzzle

Wooden 3D puzzles

Wooden 3D puzzle is a form of entertainment produced in various shapes, designs, and dimensions.
The 3D puzzle is a beautiful, durable, and diverse product which is manufactured in the New World Institute.

373 1 5 59b 373 1 6 1e1 373 1 7 237 373 1 8 a12
3D pig puzzle 3D pig puzzle with number 3D turtle puzzle 3D elephant puzzle with number

 For more information about the cost of 2D and 3D advertising puzzles, contact the Designing, Printing, and Advertising Institute of the New World.


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