Advertising slippers, shoes, boots

Advertising slippers, shoes, boots

Advertising slippers, shoes, and boots are special advertising gifts that fall under the category of work wear or advertising cloth. For example, advertising slippers, including plastic slippers, towel slippers, and cloud slippers, can be a good advertising gift for airlines, hotels, etc. Advertising shoes and boots are also used as work wears in industrial, building, etc.

The New World Institute manufactures a variety of advertising towels slippers, plastic slippers, advertising shoes, disposable shoes covers, and advertising boots. The customized logo is both printed and embroidered on slippers, shoes, and boots.

A) Advertising slippers

a) Advertising towel slippers


دمپایی حوله ای دمپایی حوله ای تبلیغاتی 314 3 1b8


b) Advertising cloud slippers                                          

دمپایی ابری    

c) Advertising leather slippers  

دمپایی چرم تبلیغاتی دمپایی چرم


B) Advertising shoes


a) Cow leather safety shoes

کفش تبلیغاتی

b) Caw leather spring shoes (Santral Model)

کفش ایمنی چرم گاوی

c) Leather shoes (Lord Model)

کفش تمام چرم مدل لرد


C) Advertising boots

a) Grade 1 white wellington boots
چکمه تبلیغاتی

b) Grade 1 white ankle boots

چکمه سفید

c) Grade 1 black boots

چکمه سیاه درجه 1


D) Disposable shoes cover

Disposable shoes cover is used in hospitals, laboratories, etc., and is made of non-woven fabric.

کاور کفش یکبار مصرف کاو کفش 1 بار مصرف
314 18 1e5 314 19 233

For more information about the cost of advertising slippers, shoes, boots, and disposable shoes cover, contact the Designing, Printing, and Advertising Institute of the New World.                                                                                                 

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