Advertising tissue and tissue box

24.29 Advertising tissue and tissue box

The Designing, Printing, and Advertising Institute of the New World is the most specialized center for producing and supplying advertising tissue in general and customized designs and sizes. Designing and printing tissue attracts a many audience for its public informing aspect. Advertising tissue is used as an advertising gift for hotels, restaurants, banks, automobile companies, and carwashes. Tissue boxes are manufactured in rectangular, pyramidal, and customized shapes, and also car-specific.

I) Advertising tissue

Advertising tissue includes tablecloth, simple tissue, and roll tissue on which customized logo or design is printed.

a) 20 * 20 tissue b) Tablecloth (32 * 32)   c) Roll tissue
389 1 81f 389 2 076 389 3 cc3 389 4 d13

II) Advertising tissue box

Advertising tissue box is printed and produced in a variety of types, including small and large rectangular, pyramid, cylindrical, car tissue, and customized shape.

A) Car tissue

a) Small car tissue (30 sheets, 2 layer cocktail tissue)


389 5 1a6

 b) Large car tissue (50 sheets, 2 layer cocktail tissue)

389 6 9cf 389 7 57a

 B) Rectangular tissue box

a) Rectangular tissue box (100 sheets, 2 layer tissue)


389 8 a6f

 b) Rectangular tissue box (150 sheets, 2 layer tissue)

389 9 6da

c) Rectangular tissue box (200 sheets, 2 layer tissue)   

389 10 d24

 C) Pyramid tissue box

390 1 89c

D) Triangle-base tissue box

390 2 0f5


 E) Trapezoidal tissue box

390 3 c40 390 4 d90


 F) Cylindrical tissue box

390 5 125


 G) Customized-shape tissue box

390 6 94c
390 7 5f9
390 8 aec

It should be noted that all these boxes are manufactured in three sizes:
I) Small
II) Medium
III) Large
Tissue is packed into boxes as 30 to 200 sheets, 2 layers (depending on shape and size).


390 9 659

H) Pocket tissue box

Pocket tissue box is manufactured in either general or customized printings.
Tissue box is made of plexiglass, wood, and MDF. You can refer to the relevant section (wooden box, plexiglass box).

390 10 912 390 11 5a7 390 12 dce

For more information about the cost of advertising tissue and advertising tissue box, contact the Designing, Printing, and Advertising Institute of the New World.

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