Appreciation certificate

Appreciation certificate is used to encourage, thank, congratulate, and commemorate a particular person or organization. Appreciation certificate is volumetric and is made of different materials such as board, wood, metal, woven, and tile.
The Designing, Printing, and Advertising Institute of the New World supplies appreciation certificates as boxed and legged. The box of appreciation certificate is made of materials such as leather, velvet, hardcover, and wood.

I) Board appreciation certificate

Board appreciation certificate is printed on special papers and enclosed in leather, hardcover, etc. covers. Board appreciation certificate is produced as mono-folding and bi-folding in sizes of A4 and A5.
A) Cover types
a) Natural leather cover; b) Artificial leather cover; c) Hardcover cover; d) Framed cover
B) Model types
a) book-like board appreciation certificate as:

a-1) mono-folding a-2) bi-folding     a-3) tri-folding

146 1 8ee

 146 2 c94        146 3 f42  146 4 460     146 5 7b6

 b) Boxed board appreciation certificate
The size of each folding is usually A4, A5, and customized size.
Bi-folding and tri-folding appreciation certificates are also called “folder of appreciation certificate” which can be gold blocked.
All bi-folding and tri-folding appreciation certificates are placed in high-quality boxes of velvet, suede, and hardcover.

146 6 3cc 146 7 01a 146 8 83f 146 9 be9 146 10 877

For more information about board appreciation certificate, contact the Designing, Printing, and Advertising Institute of the New World.  

II) Boxed wooden-metal appreciation certificate

Using metal and non-metal engraving and cutting and the most advanced laser machines and employing professional designers, the New World Institute produces combined wooden-metal appreciation certificate in 4 CMYK color prints, in different designs and sizes.
A) Small wooden-metal appreciation certificate (maximum size: 15 * 20)
B) Large wooden-metal appreciation certificate (size: from 17.5 * 25 to 20 * 30)

 147 1 36b  147 2 711  147 3 4c7 147 4 fe5  147 5 c33  147 6 849  147 7 b9f   147 8 3ba147 9 06c  147 10 eec  147 11 d3a 147 12 940  147 13 a96   147 14 1b4

III) Woven appreciation certificate

Woven appreciation certificates are placed in high-quality frames and boxes. These appreciation certificates are woven digitally and are offered in customized names and texts.

147 15 262 147 16 618 147 17 5ce


For more information about the cost of boxed wooden-metal appreciation certificate and woven appreciation certificate, contact the Designing, Printing, and Advertising Institute of the New World. 

IV) Ceramic/tile appreciation certificate

Ceramic/tile appreciation certificate is better than the paper one in terms of durability and beauty. Ceramic/tile appreciation certificate usually does not get old and is offered in different models including boxed appreciation certificate, velvet-base appreciation certificate, wooden-base appreciation certificate, wall-frame appreciation certificate, and watched appreciation certificate.

A) Boxed ceramic/tail appreciation certificate
The Designing, Printing, and Advertising Institute of the New World produces ceramic/tile appreciation certificate in sizes of 10 * 10, 20 * 20, and 20 * 30 and supplies it with high-quality box.

 148 1 c0f148 2 875148 3 ba3148 4 081148 5 357

B) Velvet-base ceramic/tile appreciation certificate
Ceramic/tile appreciation certificate is produced as legged, the base of which is made of high-quality velvet and suede.

                                   148 6 72d  148 7 4fb    148 8 cde

C) Wall-framed ceramic/tile appreciation certificate
Ceramic/tile appreciation certificate may be installed on wall with wooden frame, just like a tableau.

                   148 9 f08    148 10 37e

D) Exquisite wall-framed ceramic/tile appreciation certificate
The Designing, Printing, and Advertising Institute of the New World supplies ceramic/tile appreciation certificate with an exquisite and high-quality frame.

      148 11 0a8  148 12 4d2

E) Wooden-base ceramic/tile appreciation certificate
Ceramic/tile appreciation certificate is supplied with simple wooden base as simple and pretentious.

                                    148 13 704    148 14 c26

F) Watched ceramic/tile appreciation certificate
Installing watch in ceramic/tile appreciation certificate, the Designing, Printing, and Advertising Institute of the New World produces very beautiful appreciation certificates of two types:
A) Grade 1, B) Grade 2


148 15 ff0    148 18 079   148 16 b8a      148 17 85c

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