Constructing seal and gelatin

Constructing seal and gelatin

The gelatin seal is of jelly material with a diameter of 3 mm which is constructed in three forms: plastic or wood-based seal, automatic-based seal, and metal-based seal.

A) Plastic or wood base

A plastic or wood-based seal is the cheapest type of seal that is long lasting if it is kept away from direct sunlight, because sunlight dries out the gelatin and causes the seal lose its efficiency.


                       50 19 68d                                    50 20 e35

B) Automatic base

In the automatic-based seal, the gelatin is attached to the automatic base. On these devices, there is a stamp that is rechargeable.
I) Monolayer
II) Bilayer


  50 15 ad250 14 904  50 13 22650 18 55b50 10 65c50 11 58a50 12 1f050 16 ea850 17 d7e50 9 bda     50 7 029    502 72c                    50 3 f71      50 4 453   50 2 ca7

C) Embossed metal base

Embossed metal-based seal is of three types including gold handle, silver handle, and black handle.


   50 1 8dd    50 938

For more information about the cost of seals, contact the Designing, Printing, and Advertising Institute of the New World.  

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