
The Printing and Publishing Institute of the New World has a lithography equipped with a variety of films, zinc, and plates, including:

GTO, two typical sheet, speedmaster, four and half sheet, six sheet, six and half sheet, and zinc burning.

Lithography is actually industrial photography, which is also called the “mother of printing industry”. In the New World’s lithography, work is divided into three stages:
Step one: the design saved in CD or flash memory is transferred to the system. Step two: The targeted design is sent to the Image Center Machine, and the film is prepared. If colored, the operation is repeated four times and four films are produced. Step three: The end of film is closed on the zinc with a machine. Care must be taken into account to remove air between the film and the zinc. After closing the film on the zinc, the work is sent to the printing office.
In the new lithography (plate), the film is removed from the working process and the zinc is prepared directly by the lithography machines.
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For more information about the cost of lithography, contact the Designing, Printing, and Advertising Institute of the New World.


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