

Molding is done in both conventional and laser forms.


The cost of molding is calculated according to the amount of blade applied and size, and is divided into two types: a) flat; b) rotary. The process of flat molding consists of three stages.

First step:

Making maquette and sampling


               52 9 2a3                     52 8 175

Second step: Mold is cut by laser and fully automatic machines



 52 7 950 

 Full automatic bending machine

52 6 a86  

Laser machine

52 5 efc

Third step: The blades are embedded in place.                                                                          


52 4 d2a

Flat mold

The process of manufacturing rotary mold

52 3 608  52 2 5de  52 1 1a4      52 e94

For more information about the cost of molding, contact the Designing, Printing, and Advertising Institute of the New World. 

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