

In the New World atelier, photographing the products of workshops and factories, production line, business environments, offices, etc. is done with the most sophisticated and advanced photographic cameras. All photos are digital and are used in business card, catalog, tract, brochure, poster, board, box, etc. after processing in graphic software. Types of photography include:

A) Industrial Photography; B) Advertising Photography; C) Panorama Photography; D) Model Photography; E) Art Photography.

A) Industrial photography:

Industrial photography includes product line photography, industrial photography of mines, industrial photography of audio/video accessories, product photography, medical equipment photography, building photography, and food photography.

B) Advertising Photography:

Advertising photography of all kinds of goods such as bags and shoes, furniture, food, etc. that are used to advertise the targeted product.

C) Panorama Photography:

Panorama photography refers to a photography using a wide-angle view in the photo. In this type of photography, special software and hardware or special cameras are used.

D) Model Photography:

The art of model photography is important in the clothing industry, and model and modeling description is the result of the work of artists recorded with their cameras.

E) Art Photography:

Art photography is commonly used in exhibitions, magazines, and advertisements.

The photos in the New World’s catalog, multimedia CD, and website are part of the photography examples of this Institute.

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akasi22 96d    akasi21 d17    akasi20 ec1     akasi7 486

10 081     akasi19 679        akasi10 6a8                akasi18 5af

                              AKAS111 f59              akasi12 104


For more information about the cost of photography, contact the Designing, Printing, and Advertising Institute of the New World. 




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Chapter 1 - Consulting and Marketing

Chapter 7- The world of distribution

Chapter 8- Export and Import