Plexi printing


The New World Institute has the ability to print directly on plexi, which is fully stabilized, durable, and usable outdoors. Directly printing on plexi has no limitation in design, number, and size. Printing on plexi is done in offset (CMYK) and silk, and is in three types:

I) Flat plexi printing

This is used for book covers, flat boxes (letterpress), business cards, etc. typical glass plexi type is used for business cards that is available in market as glossy, semi-glossy, glass snow, and sand.


دنیای نو چاپ انواع طلق مسطح و طلق وکیوم  دنیای نو چاپ انواع طلق مسطح و طلق وکیوم  دنیای نو چاپ انواع طلق مسطح و طلق وکیومدنیای نو چاپ انواع طلق مسطح و طلق وکیوم   دنیای نو چاپ انواع طلق مسطح و طلق وکیوم

II) Vacuum plexi printing

This is used for food packaging, utensils, health products, electronics products, flash memory, etc. with thermal (vacuum) molds. The Designing, Printing, and Advertising Institute of the New World is proud to be the first Institute in the Middle East which has provided offset printing (color images) on vacuum plexi. All vacuum-related cases (vacuum packaging) and plexi packaging with both CNC and lead molds are done in the Designing, Printing, and Advertising Institute of the New World.

For more information about the cost of plexi printing, vacuum printing, board printing, and blister printing, contact the Designing, Printing, and Advertising Institute of the New World. 


دنیای نو چاپ انواع طلق مسطح و طلق وکیوم      دنیای نو چاپ انواع طلق مسطح و طلق وکیوم      دنیای نو چاپ انواع طلق مسطح و طلق وکیوم

It should be noted that board plate is embedded under the vacuum as both sliding and adhesive forms. In the sliding form, the edges of plexi are tucked on both sides and the board plate is embedded in sliding form. In the adhesive form, the board is printed in 4 colors and the blister glue is coated on it; after the product is put into the plexi, blister is pasted on the forms with heat of the machine. The Designing, Printing, and Advertising Institute of the New World is one of the few print centers that performs blistering. It is necessary to say that in the Skin Pack method, there is no need for molding; however, in the blister vacuum method, molding is done for both component and the blister machine. We explain it below in more details. 


             دنیای نو چاپ انواع طلق مسطح و طلق وکیوم        دنیای نو چاپ انواع طلق مسطح و طلق وکیوم


III) Skin Pack

Skin Pack is a vacuum type that is highly capable of vacuuming and packaging various products. The Designing, Printing, and Advertising Institute of the New World embeds the product on a card or board using Skin Pack machine and vacuums it with a glossy plexi coating.

Skin Pack vacuuming is used for packaging electronic components, computer hardware, automobile spare parts, industrial components, and so on. There is no need for molding in Skin Pack vacuuming, and the component is placed between plexi and board through the heat from machine; and then, is vacuumed.
For more information about the cost of Skin Pack, contact the Designing, Printing, and Advertising Institute of the New World.


اسکین پک         اسکین پک          اسکین پک

Vacuum Forming (Blister vacuum)

IV) Blister vacuum packing

In blister packing, unlike Skin Pack, molding is done first. The targeted plexi is produced using the mold. Next, separate molds should be made for the blister machine. Molds are placed on the machine, and the produced plexi and targeted components are vacuumed on board by the use of blister machine. This method is usually used for packaging batteries, toys, etc. at high circulation.
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      38 2 5 cc1           38 2 6 8bb

For more information about the cost of vacuum forming, contact the Designing, Printing, and Advertising Institute of the New World.



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