- Chapter1 -Consulting and Marketing
- Chapter2 – Designing, Photography, Filmmaking
- Chapter3 – Printing, Packaging, Post-print
- Chapter 4- Environmental Advertising and Exhibition Services
- Chapter 5 – Audiovisual Advertising and Electronic Marketing
- Chapter 6 – Advertising gifts
- Chapter 7- The world of distribution
- Chapter 8- Export and Import
Social media advertising
Social Media:
In the past, these types of networks were able to be used with personal computers, the most important of which were Yahoo Messenger and Yahoo 360. Nowadays, most of these networks can be used with mobile phones.
Facebook is a very popular website that has loyal visitors in many countries including the United States. These visitors will spend more time on this site than any other site. Facebook can be an example of the most visited Social Media.
Linkedin is a social network for business, the main topic of this network is to find workforce, project, employment, etc. Specialists in Iran who are looking for work abroad have succeeded in finding work and doing projects remotely through this network.
Telegram is one of the most popular Social Media in Iran in recent years, and this social network is filtered in Iran. This software is extremely powerful and highly efficient and is being developed. In Telegram, it is possible to mention the ability to make connections and make games for programmers.
Instagram has developed a lot since it was bought by Mark Zuckerberg (the owner of Facebook). The topic of this network, apart from information, can be the best virtual store in the list of Social Media. It has recently added many features for your online store. Instagram is a very suitable network for any business.
Twitter is a popular network for following and writing short posts. This network has cultured the term tweeting. Anyone who adds a new post to their profile is said to have tweeted. Usually, political leaders in the world use Twitter for their audience.
Social Media Marketing (SMM)
Any activity you do in social networks that leads to attracting customers is called SMM. Marketing through social networks is much more difficult than marketing through search engines, because attracting visitors and fans from social networks is a more difficult process than SEM. Social Media Marketing or social media marketing is one of the online marketing models that uses the facilities of social networks as an advertising tool of websites to increase the incoming traffic to the website. Also, virtual or organic ads help you to better identify your users by analyzing their reactions.
SMM is based on the organic search and business model, the higher the activity of the website and social networks connected to them, the higher the ranking of the website in search engines. The most important things that social media marketing can do, is to improve communication with users and increase customer visits. By creating useful content that audiences share with their friends and acquaintances on social networks, SMM increases the community of contacts and the number of people who are connected with your business grows dramatically. This type of SMM is called customer relationship management (CRM). If users interact well with the content provided by you, they can lead to increased credibility and return on investment.
The purpose of Social Media:
A large number of companies and brands have been able to increase their sales significantly by being active in the Social Media. Virtual spaces have created many opportunities to establish this proper relationship between you and users and have made your company a reliable brand. If you are also a business owner, you are almost aware of the cost of advertising, including your precious money and time, and you know that if you have an article on your website, to get more SEO and rank first in Google or for the product Show yourself earlier and better than your competitors to the customers that you have collected as hard as possible on your Social Media page, you must bear a lot of effort.
Users are no longer looking for anything on Google, but they often spend their time on Social Media, and it is these products and contents that are welcomed and create a need in them. So, in order for the efforts I have made to create my content and product not to be wasted, I have to produce a copy of it, for example, on Instagram, so that I can be viewed well.
Having just Social Media in business:
Having Social Media alone will not be enough for the success of your business or brand. Having an official website is essential for successful Social Mediaing.
Having relationships in Social Media will remove the walls between users and increase communication, and you can have a more successful brand or business with this method.
You can post your business or brand information on social channels and share them and spread your information quickly. This will increase your communication with users.
This will get a lot of comments and feedback from your users and customers, which is very valuable.
Social Media methods for business:
1- Use Micro Content.
2- Share every article twice. Maybe there are still people who have not visited your article.
3- Be sure to make a GIF file from your videos.
4- Always like Reply before leaving a comment.
5- Be careful of new platforms and try them as soon as they come.
6- Create your username with keywords.
7- Don’t ignore the texts below the links and use them to encourage the user to click.
8- Post 3 to 4 times a day.
9- Maximize the number of hashtags (#) and send them in the first comment after the article.
10- Use video more.
11- Use text in your videos and be sure to use subtitles for videos.
12- As you know, this platform can disable your videos and music automatically, so it may not be heard, but subtitles make it easy for you and attract the attention of users.
The most important Social Media methods for business:
1- Use the image feature of multiple photos in one Instagram post.
2- Make more use of the Instagram story feature.
3- Create a story from the content you have already posted.
4- Use Mention features in stories.
5- Use your username in Mentions so that users can click on them and see your profile and click on the link on your Bio section.
6- Use influencers to promote your business or brand.
7- Use images, videos and GIFs when linking.
8- Use video when replying.
9- Use the hashtag (#) especially.
10- Make gif files related to your brand and use them everywhere.
11- Use Twitter’s search function for people’s pain and hearts.
12- Be active daily. Use hashtags (#) such as: days of the week, motivational, etc.
13- Use Twitter as a promoter of your content.
14- Post several times a day on Twitter.
15- If you want to have your videos on Twitter, cut them.
16- If you want to send DM messages on Twitter, i.e. Direct Message, tell your contacts that these messages are sent automatically and not from me, and this makes it acceptable for them.
The most important ways you can boost your business:
1- Do group and intra-group work.
2- Post three times a day as follows:
3- Wake (in the morning)
4- Lunch (lunchtime)
5- Bed (bed time)
6- Engage users quickly and the Facebook algorithm does something like this.
7- Do advertising in different countries.
8- Use short text for your descriptions.
9- Facebook has the most users in the world and is in third place.
10- If you have special people, announce it.
11- Make a list of your emails and contacts on Facebook and be in touch with them.
12- Start the Facebook Pixel service.
13- Remove your logo from the images.
14- Like users’ comments in their comments.
15- Run your advertisements and events as a Live Stream.
16- Ask users to share your post.
17- Arrange a contest.
Types of advertising methods in Social Media:
Advertising on the Instagram
These days, Instagram has become one of the most popular and popular Social Media for Iranian users. According to the announced statistics, Instagram currently has between 10 and 14 million Iranian users, and in addition, according to Forrester’s market research, the growth of user interaction on Instagram compared to Facebook and Twitter has been 400 times, therefore many Business owners start advertising on Instagram. Instagram has different algorithms and capabilities that can be used to make smart ads. Instagram’s features include the ability to commercialize the page, use templates for stories, track hashtags (hashtag impression evaluation), page views and other statistical information from the insight menu, etc. On Instagram, you can do smart advertising with strong targeting in different ways, such as advertising campaigns, influencer marketing, hashtagging, various contests, etc.
Advertising on LinkedIn
LinkedIn is another popular Social Media whose activity is more specialized in the field of business and job search; however, it is a smart way to advertise in this specialized network, especially in a specific niche. Advertising on the LinkedIn Social Media has many advantages; For example, your access to targeted audiences will be better and you will get to know more people who are experts in your field of work. You can use various features of this Social Media to advertise on LinkedIn; Features such as commercializing the page and using it to create a text advertisement, for this you just need to enter the title, description and photo you want and the address of your landing page to be displayed on your business page. In addition to this, hashtagging, which has recently become common among Iranian users, is one of the advertising solutions on LinkedIn. Another way to advertise on LinkedIn is sponsoring campaigns that require bank access, which is limited for users inside Iran.
Advertising on WhatsApp
It’s a fact that WhatsApp is a mobile messaging application and it is mostly used for messaging and audio or video conversations; but since this application is free and the number of its users, especially Iranian users, is large, it has created a good opportunity for businesses to advertise. Various features of WhatsApp, such as the ability to group, share different content in photo, video, text, etc. formats, can be suitable for some of your business’s advertising campaigns.
Advertisements on Telegram
Despite the fact that the Telegram messenger is filtered in Iran; But many Iranian users still use it. According to the statistics provided by the financialtribune.com website, Telegram has about 45 million Iranian users, and it goes without saying that the many features of Telegram can be a good opportunity to communicate between businesses and their target audiences. The features of Telegram include creating groups, channels, the possibility of voting, evaluating the number of views of each message, sharing content, using the Telegram bot to manage your channel, the possibility of leaving comments on the channel, linking content, etc.
Advertising on the Facebook
It is true that many Facebook users have switched to Instagram, but Facebook still ranks first among foreign countries, especially the United States, in terms of users. Therefore, advertising on the Facebook Social Media can be very beneficial for international business owners; Because Facebook has provided various possibilities for advertising. For example, you can create a business page for your business, before advertising, you can target your ads with the help of Facebook Ads manager, choose your target audience, specify the cost of advertising, text, Choose an image or video for it and after displaying the advertisement, see it placed in the right column of the program called News Feed, which is displayed for the audience network.
How to advertise on Social Media:
a) Upload content to our own Social Media
Finally, any advertisement means that the audience visits our personal page and visits the advertised item. Therefore, it is necessary to create content carefully and obsessively in the form of photos, text, video or a combination. The more beautiful and practical the contents are, the more customers will welcome them. Story, direct, holding the challenge of promotional video motions, attracting targeted followers, etc. are some of the things that we must do.
b) Advertising on other people’s Social Media
There are popular social pages that are both popular and popular.
(I) Influencers: who are related to famous people in Social Media, have many followers, that is why advertising on these pages with the influencer’s presence in the form of a video (advertisement report) (real or fan) along with photos and text will have a tremendous impact.
(II) Advertising pages: These pages are not individual-oriented, but with regard to popular or specialized topics, they have many followers, which is why advertising on these pages increases the number of visits to our page.
Advertisement on these pages is in the form of: video (real or fan), photo with text.
Types of content in Social Media
- Text content
The content of articles, blogs, guides and written texts in Social Media are included in this category.
Advantages: These articles show your company’s expertise and help you gain credibility and reputation.
Disadvantages: On the Internet, blog content is abundant and hard to compete with. So, you need a lot of creativity to create new ideas. Also, writing about different topics is time-consuming. Especially if you are going to write textual content about complex concepts
How to create content: To be able to write interesting content, check the trending topics. In this way, you will find out what questions people are looking for answers to. This, itself can give you the idea of writing an interesting article. In content strategy, written content is very important like other content. By writing engaging written content and creating a unique voice for your brand, you can easily stand out from the competition.
The best platforms to publish: LinkedIn is one of the best platforms for this content. Especially for articles that are 1500 words or more. You may publish the entire textual content, a part of the content or a link related to it.
Another popular platform is Twitter. But, due to its limited character count, you can only publish the content link with a short description. This way, you will generate traffic for your website.
- Visual Content
Images are considered to be one of the most valuable types of content in Social Media, and in these networks, they have the highest amount of publication.
Advantages: Visual content is more engaging than articles and long posts. This type of content will definitely increase customer interaction with your brand and make you popular. Images help your audience not ignore and get your brand message.
Disadvantages: On a platform like Instagram that focuses on images, the competition is high. If you want high-quality images, you should use newer, higher-tech smartphones or professional cameras. Of course, these things are very expensive.
How to create content: This type of content is one of the easiest content to create. Just take your smartphone or camera and take a picture.
Best platforms to publish: Images can be used on all platforms. But Instagram and Pinterest are some of the best platforms for sharing images. Also, using images in blog posts helps them to be seen more.
- Video Content
With the advent of cameras in smartphones, recording events is easier than ever. This content is prioritized in the Facebook algorithm. This platform can be a suitable platform to show your products to the audience. Also, with the trend of broadcasting live images, the audience’s expectations of video content in Social Media have changed. In Social Media, unedited and natural videos convey a more real feeling to the audience. So, don’t neglect this content and include it in your content strategy.
Advantages: Filming is easy and effortless, and the audience interacts with this type of content more than images. The best topics for video production include product guides, tour and travel videos, and product updates. All these contents generate traffic on your website and increase sales.
Disadvantages: The production of short videos is inexpensive. But if you want to produce high-quality videos, the costs will skyrocket.
How to create content: In the production of video, like images, it is necessary to consider in which platforms the content is going to be used. The network where the audience is present determines whether you need specialized equipment and skills for video production.
The best platforms to publish: One of the best platforms for publishing video content is YouTube. Also, video on Facebook performs well. The best option for shorter videos is Instagram; Even better than YouTube.
- Electronic book or eBook
Advantages: eBooks are longer and more detailed than blog articles. This will help you show your expertise more accurately to the audience. Compared to blog posts, few businesses take the time to produce an eBook. So, there is no heavy competition in the production of this type of content.
Disadvantages: It takes a lot of time to produce electronic books according to the audience’s taste. Even though this content helps generate new leads, not every audience wants to read an eBook.
How to create content: An e-book is a collection of blog articles on a specific topic, organized into several chapters. So, choose the best content. Also, get help from experienced people in this field to write quality content.
The best platforms to publish: LinkedIn is a platform where users can connect with colleagues and learn about their work. As a result, LinkedIn with these features is considered a suitable platform for e-book publishing. The next options are Twitter and Facebook.
- Infographic
One of the most powerful types of content on Social Media that you can use to increase traffic is Infographic. Infographic content, such as tables and charts, are visual forms of information.
Advantages: Many people want to learn things through visual content. It can be said that Infographic are considered as the most effective media in learning information. Creating Infographic content is a productive way to attract and interact more with the audience. This content will help you to attract the opinion of people with different tastes.
Disadvantages: graphic and writing skills are needed to create Infographic content. So, you need to hire experts to create this type of content.
How to create content: Choosing a topic for an Infographic plays a key role in your success. Consider the topic of the Infographic as a specific topic so that you can more easily gather information about it.
By choosing the topic and creating an outline, the writer and graphic designer prepare the contents. They are then merged to create the final image.
The best platforms to publish: LinkedIn and Facebook are among the best options for Infographics.
- Customers Comments
Customer reviews are one of the basic foundations of marketing. You see them on business websites and sales information.
Advantages: The customer comments section is the words of current or former customers, which are prepared in written or video format. In this section, customers provide others with their experience of using services and products.
In customer reviews, people talk about your products and services. In this way, other audiences will examine the people’s problem and the solution you have presented to them. From this point of view, the customer opinion section is valuable.
Disadvantages: Encouraging customers to register their opinions is not always easy. Also, this content is the only content that is not under your control. You have to remember, there is no guarantee that the views and opinions of customers will be positive.
How to create content: Contact your previous customers and ask them to work with you to create this content. Convincing customers to tell you what they think about your products and services can be counterproductive, because people may not express their opinions honestly.
The best platforms to publish: the comments section and customer views are very effective in LinkedIn and Facebook media.
The NewNet group is with you dear ones in all the above steps for Special Media and these services are provided in the following plans.
Tariff of Social Media as an Option
Features of the Plan |
One month |
Two month |
three months |
Special three months |
Four months |
Selected |
Strategy design and formulation |
√? |
√? |
√? |
√? |
√? |
– |
Attracting targeted followers |
2k |
4k |
6k |
7/9k |
10/12k |
– |
Dedicated post design |
20 |
45 |
60 |
75 |
90 |
– |
Dedicated story design |
× |
5 |
5 |
10 |
30 |
– |
Direct sending to contacts |
√? |
√? |
√? |
√? |
√? |
– |
Advertising on related pages |
5 |
10 |
15 |
25 |
45 |
– |
Making advertising motion |
× |
× |
1 |
1 |
3 |
– |
Holding challengesand competitions |
× |
× |
√? |
√? |
√? |
– |
Table 1 – Content Creation
Title |
Cost (Rials) |
Period |
Remarks |
Content creation, uploading posts, management and statistics of the Instagram page |
To inquire about the cost, contact NewNet Group |
Monthly |
From 9 graphic posts per month |
Formulating strategy, uploading post, management and statistics of LinkedIn page |
Monthly |
Provide daily routine content |
Formulating strategy, uploading posts, management and statistics of other Social Media |
Monthly |
Subsequently, it will be announced based on the needs of the project |
Management, sending and statistics of email marketing service |
Monthly |
4 emails per month, excluding the platform purchase fee |
Developing strategy, uploading posts, managing official blog statistics |
Monthly |
8 blog posts per month with SEO |
Management, updating and statistics of the official website |
Monthly |
– |
Technical maintenance of the website |
Monthly |
15% of website design fee for one year |
Consulting and doing SEm, SEO services |
Monthly |
The cost is announced based on the project |
Strategizing, uploading posts and managing the Telegram channel |
Monthly |
The cost is announced based on the project |
Brand communication management in the virtual space (Community Management) |
Monthly |
The cost is announced based on the project |
Table 1 – content creation
Title |
Cost (Rials) |
Period |
Remarks |
Real video editing and optimization without filming |
To inquire about the cost, contact NewNet Group |
Per minute |
ـ |
Real video production |
Per minute |
ـ |
Video motion graphics production |
Per minute |
Basic graphic design |
Translation and optimization of Infographic |
Per minute |
Mentioning the source and in one size |
Infographic design and production |
Per minute |
in one size |
Industrial / decorative / modeling photography |
ـ |
The cost is announced based on the project |
Translation of specialized texts from English to Farsi and vice versa |
Per minute |
ـ |
Products categories
- Services
- Chapter1 -Consulting and Marketing
- Chapter2 - Designing, Photography, Filmmaking
- Chapter3 - Printing, Packaging, Post-print
- Part 5: Printing projects and related industries
- 5.1) Lithography
- 5.2) Offset printing
- 5.3) Digital printing
- 5.4) Printing PVC sheets
- 5.5)3D printing
- 5.6) Metallization printing
- 5.7) Talaq Printing
- 5.8) Print on fabric
- 5.9) Printing and burning CD
- 5.10) CNC and laser printing (engraving)
- 5.11) Gold blocking-hot stamping-embossed stamping
- 5.12) Tampo printing
- 5.13) Silk printing
- 5.14) Printing on metal
- 5.15) Printing on stone
- 5.16) Thermal printing
- 5.17) Roll printing
- 5.18) Large format printing
- 5.19) Seal and gelatin
- 5.20) Types of coatings
- 5.21) Molding
- 5.22) Stamping
- 5.23) Sticky box
- 5.24) Assembly
- 5.25) Post-press services
- 6. Technical office services
- 7. Binding
- part 8 - Holograms and Types of Labels
- 9. Packaging industries
- 9.1 Box
- 9.2 Board cover
- 9.3 Plexi boxes & Vaccum Forming
- 9.4 Fantasy boxes
- 9.5 Laminate and inner cover
- 9.6 Carton
- 9.7 Shrink
- 9.8 Air bubble nylon
- 9.9 Disposable food containers
- 9.10 Plastic containers
- 9.11 General format
- 9.12 Board can
- 9.13 Jar glass containers
- 9.14 Manufacturing sacks and industrial packets
- 9.15 Manufacturing and selling machineries
- 9.16 Food container
- part 10 - Shopping bag
- Part 5: Printing projects and related industries
- chapter4:Environmental Advertising and Exhibition Services
- Chapter 5 - Audiovisual Advertising and Electronic Marketing
- Chapter 6 - Advertising gifts
- part 24- Advertising gifts
- 24.1 Stationery
- 24-2 Stationary set
- Main brand stationary set
- Stationary set of CROSS brand
- Stationary set of SHEAFFER brand
- GHANARY desktop set
- Stationary set of WATERMAN
- Stationary set of PARKER
- Stationary set of HANSA
- Stationary set of PORTOK
- Stationary set of MELODY
- Stationary set of EUROPEN
- Stationary set of DIPLOMAT brand
- Stationary set of PIERRE CARDIN brand
- Miscellaneous brands' set (pen – fountain pen)
- Main brand stationary set
- 24.3 Card case
- 24.4 Keychain
- 24.5 Lighter
- 24.6 Ashtray
- 24.7 Main clothes (advertising cloth)
- 24.8 Subsidiary clothes
- 24.9 Advertising hat
- 24.10 advertising towel
- 24.11 Advertising cover
- 24.12 Advertising radio
- 24.13 Advertising clock and wristwatch
- 24.14 Advertising mug mat
- 24.15 Advertising mouse pad
- 24.16 Advertising car sunshade
- 24.17 Leather artifacts
- 24.18 Advertising document cover
- 24.19 Advertising folder and writing pad
- 24.20 Advertising index file and Zoonckan
- 24.21 Advertising bag and wallet
- 24.22 Advertising balloon
- 24.23 Advertising ruler
- 24.24 Advertising puzzle
- 24.25 Children's advertising gifts
- 24.26 Postcard
- 24.27 Advertising magnet (magnetic stickers)
- 24.28 Plexi file and bag
- 24.29 Advertising tissue and tissue box
- 24.30 Sculpture-pottery-tile
- 24.31 Advertising containers
- 24.32 Calculator
- 24.33 Office papers-fantasy paper-notepad
- 24.34 Lighting advertising gifts
- 24.35software gift
- 24.36 Advertising photo frame
- 24.37 Advertising photo album
- 24.38 Handicrafts
- 24.39 Special religious gifts
- 24.40 Doll making
- 24.41 Advertising tools
- 24.42 Women's special gifts
- 24-43) mobile accessory
- 24.44 Electronic gifts
- 24.45 Advertising hand fan
- 24.46 Special medical gifts
- 24.47 Advertising opener
- 24.48 Advertising (woven) carpet tableau
- 24.49 Advertising desktop set
- 24.50 Advertising air freshener
- 24.51 Umbrella
- 24.52 Advertising meter
- 24.53 Advertising tape dispenser
- 24.54 Optical advertising gifts
- 24.55 Advertising compass
- 24.56 Advertising thermometer
- 24.57 Automobile advertising gifts
- 24.58 Special gifts
- 24-59) Wooden promotional gifts
- part 25 - 26 - Almanac and telephone directory
- 27. Calendar
- part28- 27.1 Exquisite books
- part 24- Advertising gifts
- Chapter 7- The world of distribution
- Chapter 8- Export and Import
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- Chapter1 - Consulting and Marketing
- Chapter2 - Designing, Photography, Filmmaking
- Chapter3 - Printing, Packaging, Post-print
- Chapter4 - Environmental Advertising and Exhibition Services
- Chapter5 - Audiovisual Advertising and Electronic Marketing
- Chapter6 - Advertising gifts
- Chapter 7- The world of distribution
- Chapter 8- Export and Import