Combined statue

Employing professional designers and incorporating various materials such as plexiglass, wood, metal, stone, pottery, and using advanced laser, cutting, and milling machines, the Designing, Printing, and Advertising Institute of the New World produces beautiful combined statues. The combined statue is designed and manufactured in various sizes.
A) Small: 15 * 20, with the base width of 7 cm
B) Large: From 17.5 * 25, with the base width of 10 cm to 20 * 30, with the base width of 12 cm



Combined statue
Model TT1

Combined statue
Model TT2

Combined statue
Model TT3

Combined statue
Model TT4

Combined statue
Model TT5

Combined statue
Model TT6

Combined statue
Model TT7

Combined statue
Model TT8

Combined statue
Model TT9

Combined statue
Model TT10

Combined statue
Model TT11

Combined statue
Model TT12

For more information about the cost of combined statue, contact the Designing, Printing, and Advertising Institute of the New World. 

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Chapter 1 - Consulting and Marketing

Chapter 7- The world of distribution

Chapter 8- Export and Import

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