Flash memory


24.44 Electronic gifts
Advertising electronic gifts include flash memory, leather-frame flash memory, and keychain flash memory.

I) Flash memory

Business card flash memory, fantasy flash memory, power bank, external hard drive, headset, DVD player, MP4, MP3, speaker, etc.
Classification in terms of capacity
A) 1 G
B) 2 G
C) 4 G
D) 8 G
E) 16 G
F) 32 G
G) 64 G and above


The New World Institute supplies a variety of advertising flash memories of various brands and capacities of 1G, 2G, 4G, 8G, 16G, 32G, and 64G.
Classification of flash memory in terms of shape

A) Typical flash memory

437 1 f4f

Advertising flash memory


437 2 726

Advertising flash memory

Model:  -14ka2-052

437 3 b93

Advertising flash memory

Model: KA2-049

437 4 a43

Advertising flash memory

Model: KA2-025

437 5 6f6

Advertising flash memory

Model:  Ka2-060

437 6 e9f

Advertising flash memory

Model:  -5Ka2-052

437 7 22a

Advertising flash memory

Model:  -4Ka2-052

437 8 d3f

Advertising flash memory

Model: -22Ka2-052

437 9 18a

Advertising flash memory

 Model: -38Ka2-052

437 10 cb5

Advertising flash memory

Model:  Ka2-060

437 11 000

Advertising flash memory

Model:  Ka2-023-1

437 12 869

Advertising flash memory

Model:  Ka2-020

437 13 4dc

Advertising flash memory

Model:  Ka2-055

437 14 50c

Advertising flash memory

Model:  Ka2-023

437 15 9b9

Advertising flash memory

Model: 1-Ka2-030

437 16 1d0

Advertising flash memory

Model:  Ka2-041

437 17 d65

Advertising flash memory

Model: Ka2-039

437 18 270

Advertising flash memory

Model:  Ka2-052-A

437 19 ec5

Advertising flash memory

Model:  Ka2-061

 437 20 fab

Advertising flash memory

Model:  Ka2-060

437 21 31e

Advertising flash memory

Model:  Ka2-009

437 22 b77

Advertising flash memory

Model:  Ka2-026

437 23 7c2

Advertising flash memory

Model: Ka2-008

437 24 612

Advertising flash memory

Model: Ka2-038

B) Leather-frame of advertising flash memory

438 1 2dd 438 2 ab4 438 3 601


Leather-frame of flash memory

Model:  Ka2-013L-1


Leather-frame of flash memory

Model:  Ka2-0-13L


Leather-frame of flash memory

Model:  Ka2-03L-2


C) Keychain flash memory

438 4 7d1 438 5 b64 438 6 30d 438 7 fb8


Keychain flash memory

Model:  Fmj/4


Keychain flash memory

Model:  Fmj/3


Keychain flash memory

Model:  Fmj/2


Keychain flash memory

 Model: Fmj/1


D) Business card flash memory (card flash memory)

Features of card flash memory
1. It is in the shape of a bank card;
2. It has the capability of special printing like a business card;
3. It has one year guarantee; and
4. It is used in wallet and pocket


Card flash memory is supplied in three qualities:
a) Brand memory flash
b) Miscellaneous flash memory with guarantee
c) Miscellaneous flash memory without guarantee

438 8 0ad 438 9 c18 438 10 14e

Flash card original brand

A) Brand

Flash card original brand

B) Miscellaneous brand with warranty

Miscellaneous flash card without warranty

C) Miscellaneous brand without warranty

438 11 dfb 438 12 592  



E) Fantasy flash memory

438 15 442 438 16 c2b 438 17 09e 438 18 f8b

Advertising flash memory 

Model: Fmf/4

Advertising flash memory 

Model:  Fmf/3

Advertising flash memory 

Model:  Fmf/2

Advertising flash memory 

Model:  Fmf/1

438 23 a39 438 24 be9 438 13 927 438 14 8f7

Advertising flash memory 

Model:  Ka2-052


Model : Advertising flash memory 

Code: 210


Advertising flash memory 

Code: Key


Advertising flash memory 

Model:  5-Ka2-022R

438 19 33e 438 20 250 438 21 ee5 438 22 68c

Advertising flash memory 

Model: 1-Ka2-022R


Advertising flash memory 

Model: Ka2-022R

Advertising flash memory 

Model:  6-Ka2-022R

Advertising flash memory 

Model: Ka2-006




F) Wooden flash memory

439 1 e17 439 2 67e 439 3 acb


Advertising wooden flash memory

Model:  1-Ka2-047w


Advertising wooden flash memory

Model:  Ka2-047W


Advertising wooden flash memory

Model: 3-Ka2-047W


G) Customized flash memory

Customized flash memory is produced in high circulation. This type of flash memory is made of soft silicone which is manufactured after molding, according to the product design.


439 4 b1b

Customized flash memory

439 5 7ae

Customized flash memory

439 6 fc7

Customized flash memory

439 7 372

Customized flash memory

439 8 c67

Customized flash memory

439 9 0d2

Customized flash memory

439 10 039

Customized flash memory


For more information about the cost of flash memory, card flash memory, and customized flash memory, contact the Designing, Printing, and Advertising Institute of the New World. 


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Chapter 7- The world of distribution

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